Product Description
Finally a face shield mask that protects you from droplets, aerosols, spray and splatter and doesn't make you look like a sci-fi villain! Designed with health, beauty, F&B professionals and other front line workers in mind, the C-shield’s handy hinged system allows you to push up the shield with your hand once you leave harm's way. The glasses can also be pushed back onto your head like sunglasses, allowing you a shield-free experience during coffee or tea breaks without having to touch the front of the potentially contaminated shield with your hands.
The C-shield is designed with enough space between your face and the clear protective face shield to allow you to wear a surgical mask or a respirator underneath. Wearing the C-shield in addition to a face mask greatly increases your personal protection level for top protection from viruses, bacteria, dust, droplets and aerosols.
Made of clear non-toxic anti-fogging PET material with an anti-static coating, the C-shield is Eco-friendly in that it is reusable and can be sterilized with alcohol wipes or sprayed or even washed with soap and water to disinfect.
This practical and durable protective face shield mask is the ideal supplement to the Covid-19 or influenza anti-virus protective regime for front-line workers in hair and beauty salons, restaurants and bars, as well as those in factories, plants and more industrial settings where social distancing can be difficult.
The C-shield comes with glasses frames, a protective shield and a replacement shield.
Order minimum is 2 C-Shields.